The spiritual life is a journey, a climb. Just because we're adults doesn't mean we know how to pray, how to hear God's voice, how to read the Bible, or even how to live rightly in this complex world. Yet, we climb, because our hearts are restless unless they rest in God alone.
Let us help you find God and live excellently. You don't have to do it alone, and really, you weren't made to. We are made for community, love, friendship, and growing together. Connect with Jesus, connect with the Church, let grace fill you, and let Him lead you higher.
This is a big parish with a lot going on. We know that many people have never been part of a formal program of faith formation as adults. We would be happy to help you sort through the options to find the best place to begin.
You are welcome here! St. Andrew exists to serve every individual in our geographical area, whether they are Catholic or not. However, if you want to learn more about becoming Catholic, follow this link.