Spiritual retreats are times of stepping back from everyday life to renew our faith and truly listen to what God is saying to us.
In imitation of Jesus: Jesus took solitary respite even when there were other things to be done and matters to attend to. Sometimes Jesus would spend the entire night in in retreat (see Luke 6:12). Jesus even told his apostles to take some time away and recharge, refresh and renew (see Mark 6:30-32),
Not just for our Youth: Our high school youth have experienced the benefit of retreats for many years, often expressing that the retreat was a “life-changing event.” They allow themselves to disconnect from the world and immerse themselves in connection with God. As adults, we need this too!
Our diocesan retreat center, located just north of Lansing, in Dewitt, offers various retreats throughout the year.
A transforming, half-day opportunity for anyone age 16+ that wants a new encounter, both in mind and heart, with Jesus Christ. Learn more.
There is a group of women and a group of men from St. Andrew who attend this retreat each year, some going for over 20 years!