After being a non-practicing Catholic for many years I responded to God’s grace as He drew me back to Himself. By His grace I became closely connected to Him and to the Church. I made friends who helped me grow in my faith.
I was introduced to the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius and in 2016 I attended an abbreviated but intense three-day silent retreat. Two days into almost total silence, continual prayer, spiritual talks, and meditation, I came face to face with my weakness and complete inability to help myself. I was kneeling in front of Jesus in Adoration in the chapel and preparing to go to confession. My knees were hurting when I looked up at the crucifix above the altar. He told me that my discomfort was nothing compared to what He suffered for me. I continued to pray and He continued to show me my sins. I went to Confession and I poured out my heart. The priest told me to ask for the grace of tears. I went back to my room, knelt and before I could ask was sobbing uncontrollably. Oh how turning my back on Jesus had saddened Him, yet He filled me completely with His merciful love! That day I met my Savior, my Redeemer. That was the day I knew I was forgiven!
A year later I went on what I thought would be a less intense, non-silent retreat. On the second evening I walked with a friend to the chapel for Adoration where priests were available for Confession. I told my friend that I had been to Confession just days earlier and I did not plan to go that evening. As I knelt before Jesus in Adoration, the thought “4th commandment” kept repeating in my head. At the same time my friend tapped me and asked if I was changing my mind about going to confession! How did he know? As soon as I started to talk to the priest, I understood my earthly father for the first time. Tears came. Real and perceived injuries faded and the extent of dad’s love for me took their place. That was the day I came to truly know and love my father!
Spending time with Jesus in Adoration is a great way to prepare for the Sacrament of Reconciliation!