I am saddened to report that I have been diagnosed with Covid 19. My symptoms began late Monday and into Tuesday morning. I went in immediately Tuesday morning for a test. I was NOT affected by any serious symptoms. In fact, the few symptoms that I have experienced have almost completely disappeared. I am following all the directions of my doctor and the staff at St. Joe’s hospital.
However, my concern is not for myself, but for you and for others like my family whom I just spent the last week with. My dad was also diagnosed with Covid and is in very serious condition in the hospital. His name is Donald Linden, please pray for him.
The virus was most likely silently present at my sister’s family funeral luncheon. It does not care about grief and mourning or any innocent efforts to console one another; it only seeks to add to the grief. Please be vigilant and careful. We are in a time of extraordinary trial, but as we heard in last week’s All Saints readings: the saints in heaven are the ones who survived the time of “great distress.”
Now, regarding you, the very good safety protocols that we have implemented here at St. Andrew, should have done more than enough to protect all of you who have been coming to Mass. Mask wearing, as well as sanitizing and washing of hands have been top priorities for me as well as everyone else in ministry. Therefore, no one should have been directly exposed in any concerning manner here at St. Andrew.
In addition, the staff have been observing constant vigilance in keeping protocols in the office so they too, should be safe. As a cautionary measure, Dcn. Doug is going to self-quarantine because he had spent time with me in the sanctuary without masks. However, he is showing no symptoms. He will be tested after quarantine before returning to active ministry.
Masses will be covered this week and next by Fr. Jim and Fr. Zach Mabee. I had already planned to be off next week, so we had already prepared for Mass coverage.
I will keep you updated, and I have people already caring for me and dropping off anything that I need so, please, do not be over worried about me.
I am asking everyone to please double down on our prayers to our Blessed Mother (especially rosaries) to protect everyone and especially those most vulnerable.
As I often say, God only allows such evils as this virus for one reason: to help encourage our hearts to turn towards him in trust. I am praying for the health of our faith first and foremost. I pray that it may grow by leaps and bounds during this time of testing allotted to us. All the saints, became saints, in such times as these.
May we, like Jesus on the Cross, entrust our spirts, our bodies, and our minds to our Father in Heaven.